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Kijanimicin, 2.5 MG

Price$ 1,515.25
  • SKU: K-2025-2.5MG
  • Pack Size: 2.5 MG

NSC 329515




DMF, DMSO, Ethanol, Methanol


Kijanimicin is a tetronic acid related to saccharocarcin, chlorothricin, versipelostatin and tetrocarcin. Like the tetrocarcins, kijanimicin contains an unusual nitroaminoglycoside. Kijanimicin is a potent antibacterial, antimalarial and antitumor active.

Several members of this class have received considerable literature focus. Versipelostatin inhibits transcription from the promoter of GRP78, a gene that is activated as part of a stress signalling pathway under glucose deprivation resulting in unfolded protein response (UPR). The UPR-inhibitory action is seen only in conditions of glucose deprivation and causes selective and massive killing of the glucose-deprived cells. Tetrocarcin A appears to target the phosphatidylinositide-3'-kinase/Akt signalling pathway.


0.1 lbs

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.

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