Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, involving memory loss which progressively worsens, eventually leading to death. Currently there is no cure and diagnosis is commonly based on a person’s family history or expensive and intrusive detection methods.

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, involving memory loss which progressively worsens, eventually leading to death. Currently there is no cure and diagnosis is commonly based on a persons family history or expensive and intrusive detection methods. According to the
Alzheimer's Association, every 65 seconds someone living in America is affected by this disease, showing the great importance of the development of a novel biomarker indicating the disease's onset.
In March 2014, an article published by
Alzheimer's & Dementia, outlined a case-control study where Findaca and colleagues carried out neurally-derived blood exosome isolation, quantification and analysis on pathogenic proteins associated with the disease [1]. Elevated levels of 3 exosomal proteins (P-S396-tau, P-T181-tau and Aβ1–42) were observed, compared to the case-study controls. Results revealed levels of the blood exosomal proteins were able to successfully predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease by up to 10 years.
These preliminary results present an exciting advancement for exosome diagnostics through the development of blood tests aiming to analyse Alzheimer's Disease-linked neural proteins.
The Biotech company
NanoSomiX recently announced the emergence to the market of the reliable blood test to predict preclinical Alzheimer's Disease. This breakthrough technology hopefully allow researchers more time to halt or slow the onset of this progressive disorder.
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[1] Fiandaca, M. S.
et al. Identification of preclinical Alzheimer's disease by a profile of pathogenic proteins in neutrally derived blood exosomes: A case-control study. Published online Aug 2014.
Alzheimer's & Dementia. DOI: